Measuring your electrosmog

Building Biology Analysis - Paper Catalogue - Vouchers

We offer you the possibility of determining electric, magnetic (NF) and electromagnetic fields (HF) at the sleeping place, workplace and common areas by our building biology measurement technician IBN (Institute for Building Biology and Sustainability, D-Rosenheim).
Low-frequency and high-frequency fields influence our health. In many cases, the connection to mobile radio is only recognised after years of suffering and inconclusive treatments.
With these professional measurements we can recommend the optimal protection for your local conditions.
Click on "Price on request", fill in the fields and we will contact you for an appointment and a cost estimate.
Wavesafe paper catalogue free of charge by mail or as pdf by e-mail
Free Wavesafe catalogue in paper form or as pdf by e-mail
0,00 CHF
With a voucher code for the webshop or redeemable in our shop in 5430 Wettingen. Minimum CHF 50.00. Cannot be exchanged for cash.
50,00 CHF
Analysis of your radiation situation
Determination of your radiation situation at home or at work by our IBN trained building biologist.
Price on request
Made-to-measure clothing
Please contact us for your special requests for made-to-measure clothing.
Price on request
Show 1 to 6 (from a total of 6 products)


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